Course Analytics

for Oregon State University's Computer Science Post-Bacc Program

Lower Division

Core Class

CS 271

Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

Data Summary





Hours per Week


/ 5.0 Difficulty

Common Pairings

CS 162:

70 times

CS 261:

44 times

CS 290:

19 times

Tips from Students

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Sp202418+ hours/week3 / 5 CS 162

Give yourself plenty of time for the last two projects

Submitted Sun Jun 23 2024

SP 202413-18 hours/week3 / 5 CS 162

This class is a grind. The only advice is to start the projects early and to go to office hours when you get stuck. Getting an A is doable. I also would not be scared of the midterm and final. Both actually helped my grade

Submitted Mon Jun 17 2024

WI 202413-18 hours/week4 / 5 CS 352CS 162

Start assignments early and give yourself multiple days.

Submitted Fri Apr 05 2024

WI 20246-12 hours/week3 / 5

Very good class. It's challenging but in a good way. The first couple weeks are a lot of reading and new info, but after that it's more focused on the coding. Projects 1-5 weren't too hard, but I struggled with Project 6, so like others have said start it ASAP. Overall I feel like a better programmer after taking this class.

Submitted Sat Mar 23 2024

WI 20246-12 hours/week2 / 5 CS 162

There is a lot of material to cover in the first 2/3 of the course. Projects 1-5 are pretty simple and I was able to complete them in one sitting. Start project 6 early, it was significantly more challenging than the first 5. You are able to use the penjee calculator for binary <--> hex <--> decimal conversions on the tests, so get comfortable with it early and it will make your life easier.

Submitted Wed Mar 20 2024

FA 202313-18 hours/week4 / 5 CS 290

This class is difficult, but manageable. It contains a lot of information, most of which will eventually need to be committed to memory. Create flash cards and start memorizing concepts from the check your knowledge sections, module summary exercises, and quizzes to prepare for the midterm and final. Watch all the videos, and review any worksheets/files you're given. Start the projects early and do the extra credit. Project 5 is significantly more difficult than 1-4, and Project 6 is exponentially more difficult than the rest. Give yourself at least a week to complete Project 6.

Submitted Mon Dec 18 2023

Sp 202313-18 hours/week3 / 5

Everyone says it, but the last two projects do ramp up quite a bit in difficulty. Also, do the extra credit!

Submitted Sun Oct 01 2023

SU 202413-18 hours/week2 / 5 CS 261

The course starts deceptively easy but gets more challenging as weeks progress. You start off with training wells and take them off by project 6. Project 1-5 are manageable in 1-2 sittings, but project 6 I would set aside more time about 3-4 days.

Submitted Mon Aug 21 2023

SU 20236-12 hours/week4 / 5 CS 352

It really is all about the last two projects. DEFINITELY take this course over summer. There's no midterm/final, and it completely changes the level of chill in the class. You still got to get through those two projects, but you're not facing a final after that. Go to office hours, plan ahead, and prepare to hack away the last couple of weeks of the quarter.

Submitted Sun Aug 20 2023

SP 20236-12 hours/week3 / 5 CS 162

So far the only course where I've actually learned something in this program. Useless for webdev but eye-opening for anyone with C/C++ experience to finally straighten out how everything really works under the hood. Course structure is ok, can't jump-start on future lessons/projects which can be annoying but otherwise the pacing is fine. First week is an info dump but it gets better afterwards. VERY important to not skip any topics since the material is cumulative and later concepts require a bulletproof understanding of the basics.

Submitted Thu Jun 22 2023

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Course Analytics was developed for students of Oregon State University's online Computer Science program. The data on difficulty, time commitments, course pairings, and tips have been submitted by real students using this survey. Feel free to add your own reviews if you are a current student! The data is scraped from this spreadsheet.

Course Analytics is an open source project by Nic Nolan.
View the repository on GitHub